DMER Recruitment 2022-23 ->Directorate of Medical Education & Research has recently published notification for 528 posts of Staff Nurse Vacancies. Apply online before or on Last Date. All job seekers are invited to apply this post. Eligibility detail and application process is given in the below notification.
How To Apply Online For DMER Recruitment 2022-23 ?
भर्ती कार्यालय (Recruit office): DMER
विज्ञापन नं. (Advt. No.) : New/2022
कुल पद संख्या (Total Posts) : 528
कार्य स्थान (Job Location) : All India
पद नाम (Post Name) :
- Staff Nurse posts
- Doctor
- Assistant
- Computer Operator
DMER Recruitment 2022-23 |DMER Jobs
Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER) controls and regulates the administration of 11 Government Medical colleges and Hospitals along with Urban & Rural Health centres attached to them. It also regulates 3 Government Dental colleges & Hospitals. The Directorate supervises the Medical Education i.e.Under Graduate , Post Graduate and Super Specialization.
Company Name | DMER |
Qualification | 12Th/Any Graduate |
Experience | 0-4 Years |
Job Location | All India |
Job Role | Clerk,Nurse,Doctor |
Salary |
Rs: 2,00,000 – 8,00,000 P.A.
Industry | Government Job |
Website |
Eligibility Criteria:
- Flexible to work in Shifts
- Should have good communication skills.
- Should have good hold on mathematics or must be good in calculation.
- Must have consistent academic records from Class X on wards
Document Required (Original and Photocopies):
- SSC Mark sheet
- HSC/Diploma Mark sheet
- All years mark sheets
- Photo ID proof (Pan Card/ Passport / Driving License / College ID)
- Photograph
- Resume
चयन प्रक्रिया(Selection Procedure) :
Test And Interview | चयन लिखित परीक्षा और साक्षात्कार के आधार पर किया जाएगा
पे-स्केल (Pay Scale & Promotions.) : 20,000 से 35,000 रुपये। + Facilities
आवेदन शुल्क : Application fees require to pay at the time of online form submission or Demand draft for offline job application. For this job application, Candidates have to pay Rs. 1,060/- (for Open Category) & Rs. 960/- (for reserved Category) through Online mode
शैक्षणिक योग्यता (Educational Qualification):
All Interested Candidates should have completed Diploma Course / B.Sc Nursing Degree or it’s equivalent qualification from a recognized Board/University.
आयु सीमा (Age Limits) : 01.01.2022 को न्यूनतम और अधिकतम आयु सीमा 18 से 45 वर्ष है |
आवेदन कैसे करें ?(How to Apply) : ऑनलाईन (Online)
विशेष टिप (Special Note) :– अधिकतम आयु सीमा में एससी/ एसटी आवेदकों को पांच वर्ष और ओबीसी आवेदकों को तीन वर्ष की छूट प्राप्त होगी |
महत्वपूर्ण निर्देश: आप अप्लाई करने से पहले जरूरी है कि फुल नोटिफिकेशन / विज्ञापन पढ़ लें।
DMER Recruitment 2022 निवेदन –
आप सभी अनुरोध से निवेदन है कि इस जॉब लिंक को अपने दोस्तों को WhatsApp एवं Facebook या अन्य सोशल नेटवर्क पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें और उनको भी अच्छा रोजगार पाने में उनकी मदद करें।
अंतिम तिथि (Last Date) : ASAP