Cognizant Off Campus Drive 2022 | Many aspirants are eagerly waiting for Cognizant Careers drive. If you are one among them then you are at right place to get all the information in a detailed manner. All the necessary support for the job seeking aspirants will be provided by us. The most important thing which you have to do is check the Cognizant Off Campus specifications like eligibility criteria, selection process, salary etc.
How To Apply For Cognizant Off Campus Drive ?
To make the application process simple, we have provided a registration link which candidates can apply online for Cognizant Off Campus drive 2022. Cognizant is hiring candidates from all over India by organizing off campus drives at various colleges. This is an excellent opportunity for candidates to get a job in Cognizant.
भर्ती कार्यालय (Recruit office): Cognizant
कुल पद संख्या (Total Posts) : 2000+
कार्य स्थान (Job Location) : All India
Cognizant Vacancies:
- Company Employees Various Posts IT and Non IT
- Engineers
- Managers
- Call Centre Staff
- Help Desk Staff
- Sales & Marketing
- Others
Cognizant Off Campus Drive |Cognizant Careers
Those candidates seeing themselves in Cognizant Off Campus 2020 Drive were requested to go through the complete article. Cognizant company is organizing campus drives at different locations in order to select capable aspirant for the available vacancy. It is mandatory to all the participants gets qualified in the written test and Interview to win the competition. Applicants will be selected on the basis of their performance at the rounds of selection and suggest candidates be careful at the time of participating in the selection process.
Cognizant Eligibility Criteria:
- Flexible to work in Shifts.
- Should have good communication skills.
- Should have good hold on mathematics or must be good in calculation.
- Must have consistent academic records from Class X on wards
- Candidates who have attended Dell interview or recruitment before 6 months need not apply.
Document Required (Original and Photocopies):
- SSC Mark sheet
- HSC/Diploma Mark sheet
- all years’ mark sheets
- Photo ID proof (Pan Card/ Passport / Driving License / College ID)
- Photograph
- Resume
चयन प्रक्रिया(Selection Procedure) :
Based on Interview.
पे-स्केल (Pay Scale & Promotions.) :
Pay Per Month:- Rs.25000-88000/
आवेदन शुल्क :
No Application Fees
शैक्षणिक योग्यता (Educational Qualification):
10th or 12th or Diploma or Graduate Pass Can Apply
( Qualification Depends on Post you are Applying For.. )
आयु सीमा (Age Limits) : 01.01.2022 को न्यूनतम और अधिकतम आयु सीमा 18 से 45 वर्ष है |
आवेदन कैसे करें ?(How to Apply) : ऑनलाईन (Online)
विशेष टिप (Special Note) :– अधिकतम आयु सीमा में एससी/ एसटी आवेदकों को पांच वर्ष और ओबीसी आवेदकों को तीन वर्ष की छूट प्राप्त होगी |
महत्वपूर्ण निर्देश: आप अप्लाई करने से पहले जरूरी है कि फुल नोटिफिकेशन / विज्ञापन पढ़ लें।
निवेदन –
आप सभी अनुरोध से निवेदन है कि इस जॉब लिंक को अपने दोस्तों को WhatsApp एवं Facebook या अन्य सोशल नेटवर्क पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें और उनको भी अच्छा रोजगार पाने में उनकी मदद करें।