Postal Circle Recruitment 2022 -> has recently published notification for the post of 2411 Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) Vacancies, Postal Department Recruitment 2022, GDS Bharti 2022 – Apply online before Last Date , All job seekers are invited to apply this post, Eligibility detail and application process is given in the below notification | पोस्ट ऑफिस भर्ती
भर्ती कार्यालय (Recruit office): Postal Circle
विज्ञापन नं. (Advt. No.) : Postal Circle Jobs/Post Office Jobs
कुल पद संख्या (Total Posts) : 2411
कार्य स्थान (Job Location) : All India
पद नाम (Post Name) :
- Grameen Dak Sevak | GDS Bharti
- Post Office Staff
Postal Circle Recruitment 2022 | Post Office Jobs
About Company : The Department of Posts (DOP), trading as India Post, is a government-operated postal system in India. Generally referred to within India as “the post office”, it is the most widely distributed postal system in the world They have set the minimum eligibility requirement criteria in terms of Education, Age Limit and pay scale for fulfill their current positions.
चयन प्रक्रिया(Selection Procedure) :
Written Test or Direct Interview | चयन Test or साक्षात्कार के आधार पर किया जाएगा
पे-स्केल (Pay Scale & Promotions.) : 20,000 से 40,000 रुपये/ Per Month.
आवेदन शुल्क : No Application Fees
शैक्षणिक योग्यता (Educational Qualification):
10th Pass /12th Pass / Diploma / Graduate
As Per Posts
आयु सीमा (Age Limits) : 01.01.2022 को न्यूनतम और अधिकतम आयु सीमा 18 से 45 वर्ष है |
Eligibility Criteria:
- Flexible to work in Shifts
- Should have good communication skills.
- Should have good hold on mathematics or must be good in calculation.
- Must have consistent academic records from Class X on wards
Document Required (Original and Photocopies):
- SSC Mark sheet
- HSC/Diploma Mark sheet
- All years mark sheets
- Photo ID proof (Pan Card/ Passport / Driving License / College ID)
- Photograph
- Resume
Some Other Requirements:
- A person, who is flexible to accept changes as per business requirement
- Good project management skills, self-initiated
- Energetic and self-starter
- Very good logical skills
- Good communication & Interpersonal skill
- Two wheeler license and vehicle
- Hands on experience
आवेदन कैसे करें ?(How to Apply) : ऑनलाईन (Online)
विशेष टिप (Special Note) :– अधिकतम आयु सीमा में एससी/ एसटी आवेदकों को पांच वर्ष और ओबीसी आवेदकों को तीन वर्ष की छूट प्राप्त होगी |
महत्वपूर्ण निर्देश: आप अप्लाई करने से पहले जरूरी है कि फुल नोटिफिकेशन / विज्ञापन पढ़ लें।
निवेदन –
आप सभी अनुरोध से निवेदन है कि इस जॉब लिंक को अपने दोस्तों को WhatsApp एवं Facebook या अन्य सोशल नेटवर्क पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें और उनको भी अच्छा रोजगार पाने में उनकी मदद करें।