Amul Dairy Recruitment 2022-23 For Freshers. Apply online for Amul recruitment drive for freshers. Amul job openings in India for the vacancies of entry level engineers and IT internship jobs, Interested and eligible candidates can apply online for Amul careers in India through registration link provided below
How To Apply Online For Amul Dairy Recruitment 2022-23?
This page is a one-stop destination for Amul Dairy Career, Amul Dairy Jobs For Freshers many other recruitment drives across India
Amul is looking for Promising, Energetic, Disciplined and Young Indian Citizen with bright academic record to join the organization. The selected candidates will be placed in the decided post with best pay scale offered in the market. Before applying for the post Aspirants will have to make sure they fit the eligibility criteria such as educational qualification, age limit as such and if they find themselves appropriate or relevant then they could get down on to the Application form, fill in with the appropriate details, submit. If the candidates perform well in the selection process then candidates will be chosen for the vacancy.
भर्ती कार्यालय (Recruit office): Amul Dairy
कुल पद संख्या (Total Posts) : 2000+
कार्य स्थान (Job Location) : All India
Amul Vacancy:
- Sales Executive
- Dairy Staff ( Boys & Girls )
- District Head
- Coordinator
- Amul Shop Manager
- Distributor
- Front Office Executive
- Marketing Executive
- Area Managers
- Field Officers
- Supervisors
- Safety Engineers
- Assistant Managers
- Civil Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Electrical Engineer
- Communications Engineer
- Software Engineer
- Application Programmer
- System Engineer
- Trainee Engineer
Amul Dairy Recruitment 2022-23| Amul Jobs
Amul Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (ACMMF) is India’s largest food products marketing organization with a turnover of USD 3.3 billion (2014-15). Apex organization of the 17 milk cooperatives in Gujarat All India , popularly known as ‘AMUL’, aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing quality products which are good value for money.
Amul Recruitment 2022-2023 Details
Company Name | Amul |
Website | www.amul.com |
Experience Required | Freshers |
Qualification | 10th,12th,Diploma,Any Graduate |
Work Location | Across India |
Job Description | Entry Level |
Type of Industry | Dairy,Sales |
Salary Offered | Best in Market |
Some Other Requirements:
- A person, who is flexible to accept changes as per business requirement
- Good project management skills, self-initiated
- Energetic and self-starter
- Very good logical skills
- Good communication & Interpersonal skill
- Two wheeler license and vehicle
- Hands on experience
चयन प्रक्रिया(Selection Procedure) :
Direct Interview | चयन साक्षात्कार के आधार पर किया जाएगा
पे-स्केल (Pay Scale & Promotions.) :18,900 से 65,000 रुपये/ Per Month
आवेदन शुल्क : No Application Fees
शैक्षणिक योग्यता (Educational Qualification):
10th/ 12th/ Diploma/ Graduate
As Per Posts
आयु सीमा (Age Limits) : 01.01.2022 को न्यूनतम और अधिकतम आयु सीमा 18 से 45 वर्ष है |
आवेदन कैसे करें ?(How to Apply) : ऑनलाईन (Online)
विशेष टिप (Special Note) :– अधिकतम आयु सीमा में एससी/ एसटी आवेदकों को पांच वर्ष और ओबीसी आवेदकों को तीन वर्ष की छूट प्राप्त होगी |
महत्वपूर्ण निर्देश: आप अप्लाई करने से पहले जरूरी है कि फुल नोटिफिकेशन / विज्ञापन पढ़ लें।
निवेदन –
आप सभी अनुरोध से निवेदन है कि इस जॉब लिंक को अपने दोस्तों को WhatsApp एवं Facebook या अन्य सोशल नेटवर्क पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें और उनको भी अच्छा रोजगार पाने में उनकी मदद करें।
आधिकारिक वेबसाइट (Official Site) : Amul Dairy Careers
अंतिम तिथि (Last Date) : ASAP